About the Journal

Since last 15 years Sports law is representing an important scientific sector, in consideration of the continuous evolution that the discipline and the fundamental principles of sport system are recording.
The interdisciplinary character of Sport Law allows to consider the sports legal system as a specialized sector of the original state system in relation even if the sport legal system is placed in a consolidated dimension with a structural and functional autonomy, and this situation has relevant economic repercussions.
The importance that the sport legal system has gradually played in the national and international legal system has determined a growing involvement of the Sport Law, especially in legal professions, considering that sport activity and sport business are straddled the autonomy of sport and state discipline, and this unique situation involves in several and different social and economic aspects.
In this perspective of complexity and editorial lack that, the Journal led the debate to a reflection and to the research on the topics of major interest concerning the organization of sport and motor activities, reserving space for in-depth analysis of state and sport legal system sources.
The Journal was also funded starting from the idea that Sports Law has gradually assumed a growing importance, because sport is not considered more only as a limited associative phenomenon. This idea is evident looking at the interest of the state courts, which have wanted increasingly to judge on cases related to sport, and this situation has evident contrasts between sports justice and state justice.
The Journal hosts the contributions from jurists and experts in the legal field related to sport, trying to offer a complete treatment of the most significant issues. During its first decade of publication the Journal has been enriched with an observatory on legislation and on jurisprudence of the state courts, the sport courts, and the European Union, wanting to create a complete tool for the study of Sports Law.
For improve the scientific impact of the Journal from 2019 all the contributions that are selected by the Editorial Committee are subjected to blind peer review by famous jurists and experts in the sport legal sector. For the same reason and to spread the activity of the Journal, in the 2020 “Diritto dello Sport” was transformed in an online publication. With the new platform the academic scholars, the professionals and the operators in the sports sector have access to constantly updated content.

Open Access Policy: “Diritto dello Sport” in published in Open Access making research products freely accessible to the public supports the exchange of knowledge. The magazine is published under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. This license allows you to reproduce, share and adapt the contents of the Magazine, exclusively for non-commercial purposes, recognizing an appropriate mention of authorship. It is not necessary to request further permissions from the authors or editors of the Journal. The authors who publish on the magazine have the copyright on the contents.

Foundation: 2007
The Journal is sponsored by Fondazione Carlo Rizzoli per le Scienze motorie
Editor: Bologna University Press
Frequency: Biannual publication

ISSN 2284-3361
ISSN ONLINE 2785-1141
DOI: 10.30682/disp