Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023)

Non-professional sport associations between the subsidiarity principle and general interest activities: the partnership agreements provided for by Section 56 of the 2017 Third Sector Code Act

Alceste Santuari
Professore associato di Diritto dell’Economia nell’Università di Bologna

Published 2023-07-27


  • Non-professional sport associations; Subsidiarity principle; General interest goals and activities

How to Cite

Santuari, Alceste. 2023. “Non-Professional Sport Associations Between the Subsidiarity Principle and General Interest Activities: The Partnership Agreements Provided for by Section 56 of the 2017 Third Sector Code Act”. Diritto Dello Sport 4 (01). https://doi.org/10.30682/disp0401b.


Non-professional sport association, like any other association, pursue public goals and carry out general interest activities. This implies that the associations that are qualified as “third sector organisations” may be directly engaged by public authorities to perform activities and projects in partnership with them. In this respect, the partnership agreements, which are provided for Section 56 of the Third Sector Act, represent one of the most suitable legal tool whereby non-professional sport association and public agencies may pursue their common goals.