Vol. 1 No. 01 (2020)

Covid and sport: The need for new models for sports business management and contagion risk prevention

Pierluigi Raimondo
Università di Bologna
Luca Zambelli
Università di Bologna

Published 2020-07-14


  • COVID-19, Linee Guida, d.lgs. 81/2008, Responsabilità

How to Cite

Raimondo, Pierluigi, and Luca Zambelli. 2020. “Covid and Sport: The Need for New Models for Sports Business Management and Contagion Risk Prevention”. Diritto Dello Sport 1 (01). https://doi.org/10.30682/disp0101a.


The health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which spread to Italy during the first months of 2020, has had serious repercussions on the sports world. This scenario has raised new legal questions concerning the prevention of risk of contagion, and we have taken the opportunity to undertake new research on a previously unpublished topic.
The main aim of this study is to establish which rules must be implemented by sports associations to manage their activity in the safest way. The research focuses on the connection between the Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008 and the new guidelines on sport and COVID-19.
The study demonstrates that sports associations have to apply the protocols prepared by national sports federations, in compliance with the existing rules for health and safety of workers, in order to avoid both civil and criminal liabilities. Furthermore, the article suggests new opportunities for public administration to improve health assistance through the activity of sports associations, and new prospects about eSports.