Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)

The restyling of the “Renato Dall’Ara” Stadium

Filippo Cavazza
Dottore in Management delle attività motorie e sportive

Published 2021-07-22


  • Impianti sportivi pubblici, D.lgs. 38/2021, Modernizzazione

How to Cite

Cavazza, Filippo. 2021. “The Restyling of the ‘Renato Dall’Ara’ Stadium”. Diritto Dello Sport 2 (01). https://doi.org/10.30682/disp0201e.


The article talks about the modalities which the stadium Renato Dall’Ara will be rebuilt, this stadium hosts Bologna FC in the home games of the Serie A. The sports facilities of Serie A have many problems caused by their age and for this reason Bologna FC and Municipality of Bologna had decided to renovating this structure to make it safer, modern and productive for the whole week. In the study is analyzed the administrative procedure, the financing methods of this structure and the new services that are offered to fans of Bologna FC and stadium goers. Moreover, in the article will be described the role of Municipality of Bologna, owner of the stadium.