Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)

Sport and the Third sector’s reform: constitutional principles and general framework

Carlo Bottari
Professore Ordinario di Diritto pubblico nell’Università di Bologna

Published 2021-07-22


  • Sport di base, Attività motorie, Sussidiarietà, Riforme, Terzo Settore

How to Cite

Bottari, Carlo. 2021. “Sport and the Third sector’s Reform: Constitutional Principles and General Framework”. Diritto Dello Sport 2 (01). https://doi.org/10.30682/disp0201a.


The important reforms involving the world of sport have been the center of the legal debate in recent years. However, the importance of grassroots sport for the society has emerged much more in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, while the health value of motor activities was rediscovered by citizens, as well as the fundamental aggregative and social function that sports associations carry out. This article aims to point out the role of these associations that are considered strategic in the difficult context of the restart after the health emergency, highlighting their activity as a declination of the principle of subsidiarity established by the Constitution.