Vol. 2 No. 02 (2021)

Amateur sports associations (Asa) and data protection in the Italian supervisor authority’s case law

Fabio Bravo
Professore ordinario di Diritto Privato e Direttore del Corso di Alta Formazione in “Data Protection e Privacy Officer” all’Università di Bologna

Published 2021-12-20


  • Amateur Sports Associations (ASA), Privacy, Data protection, Data Protection Officer (DPO), GDPR compliance

How to Cite

Bravo, Fabio. 2021. “Amateur Sports Associations (Asa) and Data Protection in the Italian Supervisor authority’s Case Law”. Diritto Dello Sport 2 (02). https://doi.org/10.30682/disp0202b.


This essay, through the lens of case law concerning the rulings of the Italian Supervisor Authority, analyses the main legal issues relating to the compliance with data protection law by Amateur Sports Associations (ASA). Then it highlights the importance of both expert knowledge of practices, also through the study of case law in this area, and the identification of figures within the association, adequately trained in this specific area of the legal system.