Vol. 3 No. 02 (2022)

Olympic values and juridical significance in the geopolitcs of sport

Luigi Melica
Professore Ordinario di Diritto Pubblico Comparato nell’Università del Salento

Published 2023-02-08


  • Olympic values, political neutrality, Olympic Charter, sport in Russia, geopolitics of sport

How to Cite

Melica, Luigi. 2023. “Olympic Values and Juridical Significance in the Geopolitcs of Sport”. Diritto Dello Sport 3 (02). https://doi.org/10.30682/disp0302b.


The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has also had an impact on the world of sport, forcing the leaders of world sports governance to take strong decisions, despite the principle of political neutrality enshrined in the Olympic Charter. However, sports institutions themselves continue to tolerate visions of sport that are strongly in contrast with the Olympic vision, such as the one promoted by the Russian Federation, decidedly oriented towards the martial component of sport. The contribution investigates the juridical significance that can (or should) be recognised to the Olympic values ​​expressed in the Olympic Charter, in order to overcome the impasse by which these values ​​are evidently proclaimed, but their application by sports institutions remains uncertain, by virtue of the weight that the sports authorities’ decisions could have on the geopolitical balances on which sport impacts.