Review Process
Each paper proposed for the publication in “The Aviation & Space Journal” is subject to the following review process.
Firstly, the paper is examined by the editor, in order to ascertain its relevance with the objective and academic standards of the Journal, the absence of apparent shortcomings from a technical perspective and its compliance with the editorial criteria.
If the preliminary assessment is successful, the editor submits the paper to two or more referees, professors and scholars who are experts in the field under discussion. They are selected from members of the editorial board of “The Aviation & Space Journal”. In certain cases, an external referee may be consulted.
At this stage, in order to grant independent judgment and ensure the integrity of the publication, a double-blind review process is adopted, that is to say, the identity of the authors is concealed from the referees, and vice versa.
The outcome of the process may be one the following:
- unconditional acceptance – the proposal is accepted for the publication;
- conditional acceptance – the proposal is accepted provided that the author makes some amendments to the contents of the paper, as recommended by the referees;
- refusal of the proposed paper.
1. Elements to be provided and general requirements
• Articles shall be written in English.
• The length of the article must be a maximum of 8,000 words.
• The article shall be sent via e-mail.
• The article shall be in Microsoft Word format.
Articles shall include:
a) the title;
b) the author’s name and his/her current position;
c) the author shall specify whether the views expressed are purely those of the author, and thus may not in any circumstances be regarded as an official position;
d) the insertion of graphics and images is admitted.
2. Headings
• Title and subtitles: Bold
• Author’s name and surname under the title (marked by an asterisk: eg. John Doe*): Italics
• Author’s current position at the bottom of the first page marked by an asterisk (eg. * Law Professor at University of Bologna): Italics
• Font: Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1
3. Abstract (not mandatory)
• It appears at the beginning of the document and usually does not exceed 300 characters (spaces included). It is connected to the essay, which it sums up, but it must still be readable and comprehensible irrespective of it. It must not contain notes. The content covers the subject of the article.
• Font: Times New Roman , size 11, spacing 1, Italics
4. Text Body
• The main text can be divided into subtitles (not mandatory), which shall not be numbered.
• Font: Times New Roman , size 11, spacing 1
• Quotations: Italics
• Quotation marks: use double quotation marks (“ ”) for in-text quotations, double and single ones (“ ‘ ’ ”) to put a quote within a quote and single quotation marks (‘ ’)for emphasis.
Single quotation marks are used also to:
– highlight a specific ‘concept’
– describe the precise meaning of a ‘term’
– highlight an ‘idiomatic’, ‘metaphorical’ or ‘inappropriate’ use of a term
– highlight the ‘meaning’ of a foreign word.
5. Footnotes
• Footnotes must be listed at the end of the article.
• Font: Footnotes use the same type font as the main text, are in 8 point size.
• The reference to the notes must always be placed after the punctuation.
• It is advisable to limit the use of footnotes to a maximum of 20 (if possible).
6. Publisher’s review
• Each article proposed for the publication in “The Aviation & Space Journal” is subject to a general review and only the Author is responsible for the proofreading.
7. Author’s Review
• Once the editing process is done, the Publisher sends the Author the document in PDF format for revision. The Author may add comments and corrections (using the appropriate tools provided by the major PDF viewer program). Only after this phase, when the elaborate text will reach a final version, it will be paginated.