New Medit <p>NEW MEDIT, an OPEN ACCESS review, is a quarterly review published on behalf of the IAM in Bari, the Italian Institute of Ciheam. It is a new edition of the former journal, Medit, which was first published in 1990.</p> <p>Economics, agriculture, and environment are the keywords of the subjects dealt with in the review. The papers tackle the different problems characterising the economy and the agriculture of the Mediterranean countries, with a multi-disciplinary approach, and the relationships between them. NEW MEDIT is an information and scientific analysis tool for getting a deeper insight into the economic and the social transformations of agriculture and the rural societies as well as in agro-food networks of the Mediterranean Basin.</p> <p>The articles are published in English and French.</p> <p>NEW MEDIT is run by an editorial board consisting of experts from different scientific and professional fields from various Mediterranean countries. All papers are submitted to a double-blind peer review to be published in the Journal.</p> <p>For any contact with NEW MEDIT’s editorial office and information, please use this email: <a href=""></a></p> Bologna University Press en-US New Medit 1594-5685 THE CROATIAN CONSUMER RESPONSES TO THE EUROPEAN GIS SCHEME OF WINE LABELING <p>The EU GI scheme has enabled Croatian producers to new creative marketing, increasing label diversity. The aim of this study is to explore consumer attitudes toward the Traditional terms and the PDO/PGI terms implemented in wine labeling after Croatia’s access to the EU. The results of 428 wine consumers’ questionnaires were analyzed regarding age, gender, and subjective knowledge. The awareness of the meaning of PDO/PGI and certification differ among consumers; women and younger demonstrated a lower understanding of new labels. Understanding Traditional terms is much better, but younger are less familiar with their qualitative meanings. Trust in the labels significantly increases with age. Attitudes toward the PDO/PGI and Traditional<br>terms with respect to age and gender do not significantly affect behavior in wine purchases. Whether buying wine for themselves or as a gift, consumers have similar approaches to these labels, indicating the deep and strong influence of inherited tradition. However, the importance of PDO differs significantly depending on subjective knowledge. The research findings signal the need for consumer education and promoting the PDO’s meaning and value.</p> Tommaso Gavioli Copyright (c) 2024 New Medit 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 2 1 Ordinare il caos Parte II: Cormenin e l’indipendenza italiana <p>gtgygytyft</p> Tommaso Gavioli Copyright (c) 2024 New Medit 2024-07-03 2024-07-03 2 1 COVID 19 CRISIS: WHAT LESSONS ON THE ROLE OF THE INFORMAL ECONOMY IN THE TUNISIAN DATE VALUE CHAIN? <p><strong>The objective of this article is to revisit the debates around the role of the informal economy in the structuring of agricultural value chains. We are learning lessons from the Covid-19 crisis and the role played by the informal sector during this crisis in the Tunisian date sector. The crisis has revealed its fundamental role, particularly in commercial intermediation activities, which requires a rethinking of public policies aimed at eradicating the informal economy. We highlight the dilemmas that public authorities may face in their strategy for regulating informality. Radical strategies to<br>eliminate this phenomenon would have the effect of paralyzing a certain number of transactions in the supply chain and increasing the vulnerability of formal actors. Conversely, a tolerant policy towards the informal economy could be risky in the long term and could compromise the sustainability of the sector. The paper gives recommendations for the gradual integration of the informal economy into the formal system based on both reducing incentives for the informal sector and strengthening the capacities of formal stakeholders to reduce their dependence on the informal sector.</strong></p> admin admin Tommaso Gavioli Copyright (c) 2024 New Medit 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 2 1 7 22